MARTIN : 514.466.6619 954.955.9264 or 242.462.4912​
SUZAN : 514.726.1063 954.319.2689 or 242.445.8602

Présentement/Presently : Lyford Cay BS

Our Golden Rules :
The vessel is not ours, you are the owner and our personal stuff should not be visible for you and your guest (crew quarters);
We never leave the dock without your verbal or written authorization;
We always wash the exterior by hand and chamy by hand too for better results;
We do not accept any incentives from sub-contractor working on the vessel;
You get a full expenses report monthly;
PRIVACY = What goes on aboard the yacht stays on the yacht.

​Objective :
Full time Hands-on Captain/Eng+Stew/cook
on 70’ to 115’ MY
Dear yacht owner,
We would like to present ourselves as a great professional and hands-on Canadian team, perfectly able to take care of your motor yacht on the 70’ to 115’ range. The location of the vessel can be in the US, Bahamas, the Carribeans or even the Med as we would like to discover more territories. My MCA Master 200t Offshore licence doesn't allow me to work on US flagged vessels. We worked as full time crew on a 76' Ferretti from 2010 to 2015 in Miami FL and are presently crew on a 86' Outer Reef 2014 along the US East Coast and winters in Bahamas since December 2016.
We have been cruising the last 35 years mainly in Quebec waters but made thirty five (35) documented deliveries Montreal-Florida. So, we are at ease with the Eastern US all the way to the Keys. We also made a few trips to the Bahamas since 2010. We have good management skills and good engeneering troubleshooting experiences.
I, Martin, was born in 1963 in Chambly, Canada, son of (late) Alphonse Briand, teacher at the Canadian Power Squadrons in the Montreal area in the 1970's and founding member of the Québec pleasure craft owner's Association. I began my personal experience in the yachting field at the early age of four, acting then as ''mate'' on my father's modified 50' wooden fishing motoryacht. Civil Engineering technician by profession, I also worked in the local marine industry in the customer service, mainly as boat commissionner for the last 25 years (since 1990), in charge of group charters for our customers. My goal is always to find the best locations for a vacation and in the safest way possible.
​Suzan, my team mate since 1999, has been in the customer care business for over 20 years or so as a dental assistant for the same firm. She was an hostess at our famous Olympic Stadium. She also worked in restaurants and bar in the local area. She has been taking culinary lessons in the Montreal Culinary Institute as she is also perfect with ropes, mate functions and loves diving too.
We hope that our education and experience will suit your needs. We truly feel that we, as a hands-on couple, are not afraid of the hard work and long hours. We speak English & French by the way…
The daily tasks of a captain will vary depending on the specific needs of the guests, but some common responsibilities may include: * Planning and coordinating the movements of the yacht, including deciding on the route and destinations and ensuring that the vessel is well-equipped and provisioned for the voyage * Overseeing the operation and maintenance of the yacht, including managing the crew and delegating tasks as needed * Ensuring that the yacht is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including safety, security, and environmental requirements * Managing the budget and resources of the yacht, including ordering supplies and managing expenses * Maintaining and updating the vessel's records and documents, such as the crew list, the ship's log, and the safety management system * Providing leadership and direction to the crew and helping to create a positive and productive working environment * Communicating with the owner or owner's representative, as well as any other stakeholders, to ensure that the yacht's operation is aligned with their expectations and needs In addition to these tasks, you may also be responsible for providing a high level of customer service to the guests on board, ensuring that their experience on the yacht is exceptional and that their needs and requests are met. The captain may also be required to handle any emergencies or unexpected events that may arise during the voyage, including coordinating with outside agencies or responding to medical or technical issues.